A Spanish school in Bilbao opens its doors

The past Saturday, October 31st, LINCE Spanish School –our newly opened Spanish school in Bilbao– celebrated its official Grand Opening party. We opened our doors for many friends, friends of friends, past Spanish students and new ones also…For all the team it was such a pleasure to warmly welcome everyone and share with them this special […]

Learn Spanish in Bilbao without dying trying

It’s clear that learning a new language is always something exciting. Fellini once said: “Every language is a distinct way to see life” and without a doubt, of all the “new eyes” we can give ourselves, the Spanish ones are some of the greatest. The Spanish language is precious, filled with colorfully rich sounds. By […]

5 reasons to study Spanish in Bilbao

1.    It is an alternative tourist destination: Barcelona, Seville, and Madrid are without doubt big cities with international atmospheres. They offer a multitude of alternative and fun options for learning Spanish. But you already know – if you are honest with yourself – that you will find natives of your own language. You know that […]